Once again on the way to Whidbey Island to visit my brothers' families and my parents. When I was in high school my friend Greg and I used to skip school and visit Ivar's Fish & Chips shop on Seattle's waterfront. Seagulls waited for those chips. Now, almost fifty years later, I do the same thing on the Muckleteo Ferry. Chips complements of Ivar's.
Helen Keller described life as "a grand adventure or nothing at all". This blog is about my own grand adventures over more than seven decades. I could tell you about my family, friends and loves; or my experience with loss, death, divorce, betrayal, and other life tragedies. But life remains a grand adventure, and its those experiences I'll pass along to you. LIVE LARGE & LONG!
A Philosophy of Radical Aliveness

"Yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."
John Kerestes